Idea Bank: A Wealth of Content Marketing Solutions
Analytics-Driven, Performance-Proven Results
Skip to contentScope: Rheem North America, Australia, Brazil and other "Degrees of Longitude," and "Degrees of Comfort."
Mission: LINK BUILDING, the truest measure of high Web ranking and domain authority, is challenging enough when it is "bottom-up" recruitment.
When the challenge is gaining links from the most relevant and authoritative domains, competing with brands who have "household names" like Lennox, Trane, Carrier, and Rinnai, the task is monumental. Goal: Move Rheem from 35,000 to 75,000 links in one year.
Key Insight: For leading brand marketers whose logos are scattered around the Web in different colors, versions, and dimensions, a central priority isn't simply maintaining "graphic standards," but "brand enforcement" and attribution.
Among numerous link building activities for Rheem, SearchWrite conducted "reverse-image searches" to idenitfy, contact , track and convert thousands of sites who were not in compliance with Rheem logo standards, and worse, failed to link back for the privilege of displaying a brand logo
Message: "We love you, but yes, you need to update your logo, and yes, you need to link properly to Rheem!. Visit our 'Link-to-Us' page to learn how!"
Perspectives: How else does SearchWrite perform "industrial-strength" link building for OEM brands? Consider: product manuals converted to eBooks. Software/App registration in Freeware/Shareware Directories. Expert Profile Creation for Authorship Credit. Infographic and Infovideo distribution. Widget and Badging placement programs. Well-structured awards programs. Think before you link!